To collect example sentences

To collect plant produce, you need to find out which plants or parts of plants are edible, that is, can be eaten, as many can be poisonous.पेड़-पौधों से खाना जुटाने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी होता है, कि कौन-से पेड़-पौधे खाने योग्य होते हैं, क्योंकि कई तरह के पौधे विषैले भी होते हैं|For instance, for improving customer satisfaction in a fast food chain having self-service, standards can be set in terms of time taken by a customer to wait for a table, time taken by him to place the order and time taken to collect the order.We were going to Basra to the Consulate-General to collect and answer our mail from Europe.As shortages continued, the decision was taken to collectivise farms.The individual chromosomes can no longer be seen and chromatin material tends to collect in a mass in the two poles.So if society as a whole rather than single individuals controlled property, more attention would be paid to collective social interests.Since non-paying users usually cannot be excluded, it becomes difficult or impossible to collect fees for the public good.It would be interesting for you to collect leaves of diverse species of plants around you and cut vertical sections of the leaves.They levied taxes on traders, artisans and articles of trade and sometimes donated the right to collect these taxes to local temples, which had been built by themselves or by rich merchants.The government has also set up a wide variety of organisations to collect and disseminate information about international markets, promote exports of specific products, train executives of international business firms, and ensure proper quality and packaging of export goods.Have you ever visited a desert? Try to collect some pictures of sand dunes.What is your favourite T programme? What do you like listening to on the radio? Which newspaper or magazine do you usually read? Do you surf the internet and what have you found most useful about it? Did you know that there is one word that is often used to collectively refer to the radio, T , newspapers, Internet and several other forms of communication.Personal observation enables the manager to collect first hand information.They learn how to catch fish and how to collect material from the forests.It sold the right to collect tax to the highest bidders.

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